General Meetings of the Northland Community Council
The NCC meets in full session at 7pm on the first Tuesday of each month. Meetings are usually hosted by Westerwood (5800 Forest hills Blvd. Columbus, Ohio 43229). Ample seating for guests is usually available. Common exceptions to the NCC’s meeting schedule occur in January and August when the meeting may conflict with holidays or other events. Please check the Community Calendar page to verify meeting dates and times.
Northland Community Council Development Committee
The NCC Development Committee meets at 6:00 pm on the last Wednesday of each month. Meetings are usually held at the Karl Road branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library (5590 Karl Road 43229). The committee is a part of the City’s community engagement process with regard to certain development requests in the Northland area submitted to various City agencies. Common exceptions to the NCC’s meeting schedule occur in November and December when the meeting may conflict with holidays or other events. Please check the Community Calendar page to verify meeting dates and times.